michael hersrud
Principal Investigator, Sonic Jeel
Associate Professor, Graphic Design, VCUarts Qatar
Michael Hersrud is a multidisciplinary designer combining haptic and digital processes using print, typography, photography, interactive & time-based media. In his visual research and inquiry, Michael investigates methods, processes and form generation in design praxis; time-based & interactive design pedagogy; digital tools and the influence of technology in design communication; and the vernacular of ‘place’ through an exploration of documentary and visual narrative.
Michael graduated with an MFA in Graphic Design from RISD in 2006. Previous to that, he engaged in Post-Baccalaureate work at the University of Oregon and received a BFA in 1996 from Minnesota State University, Moorhead. In addition to graphic design, Michael has studied letterpress & serigraph printmaking, analog photography, book arts and digital media, as well as collaborative work in the Multi-media and Electronic Music Experiments program at Brown University.
Currently, Michael is producing a short documentary on a project that took place in Damongo, Ghana. In addition, he is curating a blog-format website showcasing experimental time-based media, as well as maintaining a personal website ‘surfacearea.org’ that features work from his visual research.