dr. aspa chatziefthimiou
Collaborator, (IN)›Tangible Lab
Research Consultant to the National Museum of Qatar, the Earthna Center for a Sustainable Future.
Dr. Aspa D. Chatziefthimiou is a researcher and consultant on ecological conservation and restoration, and on the environmental impacts of development in hot desert climates. Dr. Aspa received her Ph.D. in Ecology and Evolution from Rutgers University, USA, and is a Certified Senior Ecologist by the Ecological Society of America.
Dr. Aspa incorporates traditional ecological knowledge, ethnography, as well as tracking & trailing in her research and field work. She develops educational programs, incorporating elements from all the above topics, to catalyze citizen science participation, and to deepen nature connection and appreciation in the population at large.
Currently, Dr. Aspa serves as the ecological research consultant to the National Museum of Qatar, the Earthna Center for a Sustainable Future, and to VCU’s (IN)>Tangible Lab.